To create more calm as I live in this coronavirus age, I’ve been listening the past couple months or so to music composed by Bach but performed by various artists and one of the artists, a British cellist, caught my attention. His name is Sheku Kanneh-Mason.
I found his album “Inspiration” a few days ago and have been listening on repeat. Today, while scrolling through Amazon music, I began looking for more information about Sheku. Lo and behold there are videos and articles all over the internet about not just him but his family with 6 other siblings who are also quite talented musicians.
For most non-classical music fans, Sheku became a thing when in May of 2018, he performed at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding which was watched by millions around the world. Interestingly, this performance only elevated his stature, his debut full length album came out in January of that year.
Finding out more about him and his family turned into a fun little inspirational adventure. It caused me to consider all the ways that one’s journey can be impacted by others who witness and give witness to one’s giftedness. Of course, the foundation in stories like Sheku’s is the work he’s put into developing his gift. His parent’s sacrifice is of utmost import as is the camaraderie and friendly competition he and his siblings enjoy.
They have taken the seed of a gift, planted it in their hearts and received the love and support of many to help develop the gift, nurture the gift, challenge the gift and share the gift.
If only it were that simple.
They are a one of a kind family and their story will probably never be duplicated by any other family now or forever more. This does not mean we can’t all be inspired by the sheer beastliness of their work ethic as we saddle up into the tractors of our gift farm and weed, maintain and grow our crop which we too will share with the world around us.
Farming is a hard job and developing your gift(s) is no less challenging. So many things you simply cannot control that enter into the operation. You can mostly control how much energy and effort and know-how you put into the job but things like luck and weather matter also and they can be like roommates that pay their half of the rent late or not at all.
I have to admit that I like Sheku more because so many other people like him. This is the way of notoriety and the discovering of it. The more I found out about his accomplishments, the more I found myself wanting the best for him and wanting more success to come his way.
This is how fans feel about artists they are moved by. I am OK with NOT being a fan of anything really and here I just happened upon this talented kid and now I want everybody to know who he is and how awesome he and his family are.
If for nothing else to just bask in the sonorous waves of calm his music emanates and be soothed by knowing he is human and his heart is harvesting a crop born of a desire to inspire!
To Sheku!!!! May your life be an example to all who endeavor to create a world made better by the sharing of their gifts.
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